Dental Veneers and Dental Bonding

Unlike a crown, which goes around the tooth, a veneer relies solely on an adhesive bond to stay in place. At the first appointment, your dentist reshapes your tooth surface and may numb it for better accuracy.

They then make a mold of your teeth and send it to a lab where they 강남치과 construct the veneer. At the next appointment, they test its fit and color.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are crafted out of porcelain, which is long-lasting and closely matches the color of natural teeth. While they can be more costly than composite veneers, they are generally worth the investment.

During your first appointment, the dentist will make a model or impression of your tooth. If necessary, they’ll shave off a small amount of enamel to reshape your tooth. They’ll then send the model off to a lab, where your veneers will be made. It typically takes 2-4 weeks for the lab to complete your veneers, and the dentist may give you temporary veneers to wear in the meantime.

The dentist will then cement your veneer to your tooth. Before they do, however, they’ll etch the tooth, which roughens it to ensure a strong bond. Then they’ll apply a special cement and shine a light on it, which activates chemicals that cause the veneer to harden. They’ll then check the veneer for fit and color, and trim or reshape it as needed.

Composite Veneers

A less expensive option, composite veneers can be applied chairside in one visit, which makes them quicker to apply and repair. They use a tooth-coloured resin to match your natural shade of tooth enamel and sculpt the appearance in place for the most natural effect.

Like porcelain veneers, composite veneers can last up to 15 years and are a great way to improve your smile without having to grind down your natural teeth. Depending on your dental habits and oral health, however, they may need to be replaced more frequently.

To prepare for the procedure, a dentist will clean and trim the tooth surface to which the composite veneers will be attached. They’ll then use an adhesive glue to help the resin bond with the surface. Then, a special light is used to harden the layer of composite veneers, completing the process. A veneer is a semi-permanent solution, and you will need to maintain regular appointments and brush and floss your teeth daily to ensure they stay in good condition.

No-Prep Veneers

Minimal preparation and no-prep veneers (also known as prepless veneers) are ultra-thin shells of porcelain, composite or ceramic that adhere directly to the front surface of your teeth. They can change the size, shape and color of your smile with minimal to no reduction of natural tooth structure. This makes them an attractive option for patients hesitant to undergo more invasive cosmetic dentistry procedures.

Your cosmetic dentist will lightly score or etch the surface of your teeth to help ensure that the veneers bond securely with them. They will then apply a small amount of anesthetic to the affected areas, and then bond your new veneers in place with a strong adhesive.

As with traditional veneers, your no-prep veneers will need regular maintenance to stay in good condition. This includes twice daily brushing and flossing and visiting your dentist for professional cleanings every six months. You should also avoid biting or chewing hard foods and using your teeth as tools, like to open packages.


While veneers offer a more dramatic change in the color and appearance of teeth, dental bonding provides a more subtle fix to common cosmetic imperfections. Bonding utilizes a composite resin material that can be tinted to match the color of your tooth, and it’s also capable of being shaped to make minor changes in the appearance of teeth.

Your dentist will begin the bonding process by selecting a shade of composite resin that matches the color of your natural teeth. They will then prepare your tooth by roughening its surface and applying a conditioning liquid. Once the tooth is ready, they will apply the composite resin to your tooth in layers. After each layer is applied, they will use a bright light to harden it.

After the procedure, recovery should be minimal. You may experience some slight sensitivity to hot and cold foods for a few days, but this should not last long. Taking proper care of your teeth should help the bonding remain in place for years to come.