The Importance of a Home Inven

이사짐센터 Home inventory is an important tool to have in the event of a disaster. Having a physical or digital record of your personal belongings can speed up the process of filing an insurance claim and maximize your payout.


A home inventory can be as simple as a list, pictures or video. Using an app can make the process even easier.

Getting Started

Your home is more than just a roof over your head. It’s also the place where dreams are nurtured and memories are made. If something unexpected happens to your house or the possessions you keep inside, knowing what you have and how much it’s worth can make a world of difference. That’s where a home inventory list comes in.

A home inventory is a comprehensive list of the possessions you have and the information about them, such as where you bought them, their cost and their identifying characteristics (like the model or serial number). A paper copy can be kept in a safe place at your home, but many people prefer to use an online app that makes it easier to document the items in their home.

The first step in creating your home inventory is to do a walk-through of each room, including closets and storage areas like sheds and garages. Take pictures of important individual items and room shots, labeling them with information that can help you identify them if they were to be lost or stolen.

If you’re using a paper home inventory, be sure to make multiple copies and store them away from 이사짐센터 your home in case of disaster. Ideally, you should give one to a trusted friend who doesn’t live in your home and put another in a safety deposit box.

Take Pictures

If a disaster strikes, a home inventory can be invaluable. If a fire destroys your possessions, for instance, an inventory can help you determine what was lost and how much it cost to replace them. A complete inventory also helps your insurance agent determine the amount of coverage you need for your personal belongings.

To create your home inventory, take pictures of rooms and important individual items. Label each item with a description, including where you bought it and its make, model and serial number. It’s important to include any additional documentation, like receipts, purchase contracts or appraisals. Be sure to open all drawers and closets. Also remember to photograph items in storage areas, such as a garage, shed or attic.

Many smartphones and digital cameras can record video, making it even easier to document your possessions. Consider getting a friend or family member to help you film. Aside from making the process go faster, having multiple people involved can ensure that all your belongings are covered.

Save your photos and video to a computer and online storage. Alternatively, you can save it to a disc and store it in a safe deposit box or the home of a trusted neighbor. Keep in mind that a photo inventory can be destroyed by a natural disaster or fire, so it’s important to back it up and keep at least one copy off-site.

Create a Checklist

A home inventory checklist can help you record items and their details as you go room by room. You can either create one yourself or find an app that helps. Start in a small area like your closet or garage, and then move on to a larger space, making sure to include all areas of your house.

For each item, be sure to record the make and model number, as well as the date and price. Also include any sales receipts, appraisals or appraisal documents you may have. Keep them together, so you can provide them to your insurance agent should you ever need to file a claim.

Creating an inventory will take time, but the more information you have on your possessions, the easier it will be to file a claim, verify losses for tax purposes or to purchase adequate coverage for your belongings. Having an up-to-date home inventory is important for anyone who owns property and wants to be prepared for the unexpected.

Be sure to store a copy of your list offsite, such as on a flash drive or in a safe deposit box. It’s also a good idea to update it regularly, as new items should be added and old ones replaced. Your American Family agent will be happy to review your home inventory and make sure you have the right coverage in place to protect your belongings.

Review With Your Broker

Home inventories can help you and your insurance agent process homeowner’s claims more efficiently. They can also provide an important safeguard in the event you decide to sell your home, as it will allow you to easily demonstrate to potential buyers that your home is truly valued. The information that you compile during your inventory will also be valuable when negotiating with a builder if you are considering purchasing an inventory home. Typically, these homes are still under warranty.